As a finale, I will conclude with a call for the banning of the psychiatric drug, Haloperidol. Commonly known as Hal-Dol.
The recommended maximum dosage according to drugs.com is 20mg per day. I was prescribed 40mg per day when committed to the psych ward in 1985. I lost 6 weeks of my life during this committal. A cocktail of drugs was prescribed including 40mg of Hal-Dol, an unknown dosage of Serax and Cogentin.
It will be the 40th anniversary of this committal in April/May/June this year.
No MD or Psychiatric Wannabe should be trusted with this drug in their toolbox. It ruined my life and probably countless others!
It took years for me to recover from 40mg of Hal-Dol in my system. Unless you’ve taken the drug you have no idea! After taking the drug Hal-Dol you also have no idea! A vacant space between the ears.
I was released from Hospital in June 1985. When I turned to the news on TV, it went right over my head. I had no idea what the presenter was saying. The Air India Bombing was incomprehensible and I only learned of the event years later. Most of 1985, I have no recollection of.
I discovered a poem that I had started in 1983. During my episode of Schizophrenia in 1985, I was attempting to write more when it was interrupted by this committal. It would take me another 10 years of trying before I could finish the poem.
Another time, when the number 40 came up was when I was turning 40 years old. I had a repressed memory come back to me the day before I turned 40. The memory was of me being abandoned at Bear Creek Park, in Surrey BC, At the age of 4 years.
I saw the family car drive away without me and I decided I was not going to hang around till the bears came out! I started hiking the 4 kilometers or 2.5 miles toward home. My intention was to show up on their doorstep- they were not going to get away with this!
The doorstep that I showed up on was my Adoptive Grandfathers in 1969, when I was 13 years old. 3.5 years after leaving my adoptive home, for foster care. He must have thought his prayers were answered. He and my uncle both treated me fairly.
In conclusion:
It is no wonder patients go off their meds, Hal-Dol is chief among the worst! Not only does Hal-Dol attack the brain, it also attacks the heart. This is a complication we can do without. In fact, we can do without this drug altogether. BAN HAL-DOL.
Quite so.
January 20th 2025